martedì 29 settembre 2009


I was actually looking for this,
in order to reply the keep it real campain :)

but then I found this...
and I thought it was worth to share!
every time I pass by it I can't restrain myself to watch the whole one again!

Big Ideas (don't get any) from James Houston on Vimeo.

I wish I was born in Asia.

"The most amazing thing is that they do this with their CLOTHES (not holding up cards). they have a jacket that is one color on the back, one on the front, and that they can open or close to show a third color shirt on the inside."

Keep it real.

We do love Python.

We are glad that all the things shown in the video below happened.

code_swarm - Python from Michael Ogawa on Vimeo.

...and we love this video too.
[we even love being nerd... but that's another story...]

lunedì 28 settembre 2009


How sad?

Surfing around the internet looking for "inspirations" we run into this logos' supermarket. Absolutely nothing funny... a website where you can design, on line, your own logo with no needs to ask to any designers.

Just to be clear this is absolutely not how graphic design works.
That's crap.

Quoting from a comment in the blog where we found the link:
"You can delete this if you like, I won’t be offended, but SERIOUSLY! You’re advertising a fast-food logo site on a graphic design blog? I am seriously offended. Yes you can make stuff for free, but sites like this take away both business from people like me and the artistic integrity of our profession. It’s just sleezy."

God save graphic design!


Yes, we do have The Mug.

Olympus Pen

That's just another reason why we don't like Photoshop, post production and all those bullshits.

Keep it Real!

Bombay Sapphire at the London Design Festival: Designer Glass Competition winner

sabato 26 settembre 2009

The Book of Bunny Suicides

Worth to see if you like to laugh about death too

Perhaps not everyone knows...

how the japanese empire flag looks like!
[Ema knew. Why on earth did he know?]


We're always talking about middle east. Today we were curious about how the middle east look like, how are exactly located the countries... how far is Iran from Turkey, and Georgia from Syria, and so on...

Now we know a little bit more. Hurray!